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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Andrea's Phase One Mid Point Challenge

I would have to say that the thing I am most proud of up till this point is sucking it up this afternoon and offering to walk the dog when I really felt like staying inside in the warm and I hadn't done anything up to this point in the day. I was considering conceding a bone and not doing anything today but I just kept hearing two things in my head in my head - 1. But I committed myself to 100 days of being active and 2 - thats an extra 5km I have to do on another day.
I'm glad I got out and did it - because I actually feel much better now.


  1. Good work - if I lived in Canberra I would be tempted to stay inside too. Good on you for pushing yourself out the door.

  2. Damn....now I feel guilty about trying to convince myself the cold shed could do without me tonight.. I will do cardio in sympathy for you LOL!

    Well done!

  3. This is awesome and completely motivating-thank you!

  4. Top work! See, you can talk yourself into anything haha!

    Well done!

  5. Nice job andrea!!! That is exactly what it takes to get through this 100 day challenge. One day at a time!
